Love this, β€œStop glorifying doing too much, having it, trying to be perfect, or the best at everything. Its not amazing, its not cool and it certainly not something to strive towards as it is not attainable, and even if it is, it is unlikely to be sustainable.” πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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Thank you for this Noa. Can see myself a few years ago in lots of this article! Makes so much sense and wish I’d known about this then!

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Thanks for the comment Rich. I definitely learned about this the hard way and I while I am a lot better with it all these days, I still get dangerously close to burnout more often than ideal.

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I hear you! Just been sick after getting excited about riding a new bike a lot. Reading this, it was the intensity and volume in such a short period of time that did me over!

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