Great read, Noa. I share many of these sentiments, myself. A current quandary of mine is the dynamic whereby influencers become coaches. The process of becoming engrossed in a sport and journey, sharing their journey online, building a following, and then 'coaching' on the basis of what they know. Yet, what they know is to focus on the isolated variables of the coaching environment - the 'training plan'. Not the individualised, humanistic application of said plan. The first half of this journey is wonderful. Generating passional people. The second half can go either way. I'd love to know your thoughts.

All the best.


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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts Shane! Yeah, its an interesting one. I have seen that way before social media/influencers, but those factors made it more common, for sure (and not just in sport). Its usually all good until something goes wrong, and the tools to solve complex problems are not available - that is when things go downhill for everyone involved.

Those who start because of passion but then also go to get some proper, relevant education (not weekend or short term courses) and take the time to gain real experience, get mentored, etc are the ones who, in my opinion, are on the right track (I may be biased as that is the path I took). On the other hand, those who start with passion and do a few short certification courses might end up causing more harm than good in the long run. Unfortunately, athletes often do not know how basic some certification courses are, so titles can be misleading. I mean, most of us don't trust someone who took a weekend course with our money, but we do so with our health, wellness and performance? I find that interesting.

Of course, generic training plans are cost effective and they can be fantastic in some circumstances and all that someone needs, wants and/or can afford - That is all good. It is not coaching though, and I am personally not into working that way so If I'm asked to put a generic plan together, the answer is no.

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Thank you for your reply, it’s much appreciated! Again, I’m with you on all of that. Also my own biases!

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Great read!

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thank you!

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